Environment (DM4)

Artifact for D.E.S.E.R.T. Model: Environment (DM4)

Teacher candidates can create classroom environments that encourage active learning, self-motivation, and social interaction among students. (TEAC Q.1, INTASC 1)

Rationale #1: Classroom Management Plan Components

I have created a Classroom Management Plan Portfolio to document my ability to create a classroom environment that encourages active learning, self-motivation, and social interaction among students. I met this requirement during the spring semester of 2008 in an ELED 3250: Classroom Management class at Dixie State College.

The portfolio includes eight standards/objectives that included: 20 or more classroom Procedures/Routines, Classroom Arrangement and Seating Chart, Rules-Consequences-Rewards, Beginning of the Year Letter to Parents and Students, List of Classroom Management Literature and Websites, Attention “Getters”, Educational/Inspirational Quotes-Certificates-Rewards, and 6 or more Visual Instructional Plans (VIPs).

For example I have provided a variety of self-motivation rewards and certificates to promote good behavior. I have also incorporated Fred Jones and Kagan’s Procedures/Routines, because it exhibits how students can interact in a positive learning environment.

I believe that this artifact demonstrates my ability to create a caring community within my classroom walls for all students to benefit and ultimately succeed.

Rationale #2: Organization of Classroom

During the wonderful opportunity of my student teaching I had the privilege and desire of creating a classroom environment that encourages active learning, not only through lessons taught, but in the arrangement of the students’ environment. I change the desks’ arrangement to match particular activities and/or lesson topics to provide an environment of social interaction among students. As seen below, the students’ desks are combined to make a 4-square table (7 tables in all). This particular arrangement of four to a table is quite logical when using Kagan’s strategies of 4-way discussions, which is used often. I also used this arrangement for a math lesson when teaching the directionality of 2-digit multiplication. This is how I used the arrangement to enhance student learning. Two adjacent desks were named the bottom numbers; (anchor numbers) and each had a sticker to represent their respected anchor (A1 or A2). Students then engaged in activity where they tossed a ball from the first anchor number to the top person directly above, back to the A1 person, tossed across to the person diagonally from A1, and then to the A2 for the same process to begin again as students rotated around the table to experience all angles of directionality of 2-digit multiplication. This activity helped the students become actively engaged and more likely to retain the knowledge of the process of multiplying 2-digit numbers. Kinesthetic movements correlate to retention when students are encouraged and interact in a positive learning environment.


In addition to the desk arrangement the students also share ownership of their tables. The students each agree on a name for their table and made a poster to display their pride. Students are awarded for their eagerness and motivation when it comes to activities, being prepared, working intently, listening to directions, and maintaining a level of quietness when is necessary.


Further, the classroom also is decorated with students work. Just outside the doorway, in the hall, you will find all manner of students’ best work and projects. Posting student work where many pass by helps build students’ self-confidence and self-motivation. This wall has become a hall of fame for many who do exceptionally well. Also accompanying the exceptional work is a wall for all students’ work to be displayed. Students continually work hard to have their work placed on the wall and it creates a sense of desire for excellence in the students and classroom environment. The wall of student work also complements the week of SEPs where the school faculty provides a Dads & Donuts and Moms & Muffins morning for the parents to come and observe their child’s work.





Published on December 8, 2008 at 12:21 am  Comments Off on Environment (DM4)